Draft Interview Terry Powell David Clarke
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Welcome David, how are you nice to see you. We have with us today David Clarke and Mick Fisher of The Asylum Seekers to tell us about their Punk Rock Opera call Borstal Boy.
Hello Mick nice to have you here today. David told us that last time he was here about his criminal past and his book Converted on LSD. Also about your band The Asylum Seekers. Can you tell me how you know David and what the punk rock opera is all about.
I met Dave at Fareham College many years ago, I was one of is students and since then we have been involve in musical events.
Tell me about the Asylum Seekers and I am sure you are asked about your name Asylum Seekers - what is that all about.
We are a band from Gosport there are four of us and we special-is in performing Punk Rock Classic covers. And been together about 8 or 9 years.
Oh that sounds good and where do you play ?
All over the place The Green dragon, The Queens Head, Revolution Festival and we recently played at the Admiral Drake in Portsmouth.
OK David, tell me the connection with your book and with Mick and the Asylum Seekers
Well When I came back from working in the Jails in the Philippines in 2004, I was reminded about the serious problem among young people with drugs and crime, in Stubbington. My book was written to help any who want help to turn their lives around for the better.
How ever I began to realize that very few people find the time to read and so because I believe the story I have to tell is so important I decided to tell it another way. That was through music and also by means of a punk Rock Opera.
Oh really, that sound very interesting Mick what did yo think about the idea at first and how do you envisage it coming about.
Well It sounded a bit bizarre at first, as I am not sure if a punk rock opera has been performed, but our songs that we cover really suit the story Dave has to tell and we are all up for it.
Right David you told us the last time you wanted to perform the opera in Winchester Prison, please tell us about that.
Yes well, my story is about my brother and I who were both criminals in the past and sent to prison for malicious wounding and carrying a fire arm with out a license. I was sent to Borstal Training and Michael to Maidstone Prison and we both had previous convictions. I had a three year successful career of undetected crime since leaving Borstal, in 1969 until I had a bad trip on LSD and overnight I decided to turn my life around.
I learned to read, educated my self and became a lecture and was very successful as I turned my back on my criminal past.
I believe my story will help any one who wishes to turn their life around. Where better to start then when you are in prison ? It can be done and I believe the story I tell will help many.
Well Mick what do you think of this and how do you feel about performing in a prison.
I am please to have the opportunity to help others and if it can be through our music that is great. I know one of our band member thinks it’s s bit scary but he is up for it.
OK David what have you done in order to perform this opera in Prisons, and why Winchester ?
Well initially I thought of Aylesbury YP because that is the town Michael and I came from. But Winchester Prison has recently been in the news with some bad reports and I felt we could assist in the changes for the better and may be a different approach in the process of rehabilitation might help. So I wrote to the Governor with a proposition.
I also shared our vision with Caroline Dinenage the MP for Gosport and Mark Hoban the MP for Fareham and bother of them were enthusiastic about supporting us and the project. Caroline said she want so attend the first performance.
Mark Hoban wrote to David Rogers MP, the new governor of Winchester, supporting my request.
That sounds really good have you got support from any where or any on else.
Yes my book had been seen by over 30 prison chaplains and the new edition specially written for prison inmates takes into account the criticisms made about the first draft of the book.
Oh, and by the way Prince Charles has written to thank me for the copy I sent him and for keeping him informed about the work were are doing with the punk rock opera, and our desire to help prison inmates.
I have had request for over 400 copies for prison inmates from various prisons including HMP Belmarsh, HMP Parkhurst, HMP Manchester and Risely and others. And we intend to provide these copies free of charge to inmates so we are looking for a means to fund this project as well.
Well its good to see you both. Now David I hear you have had some very interesting developments with your project since we last spoke.
Yes we have been directed by David Rogers the Governor of Winchester Prison directly to Gary Write, the Head of Reducing Re-offending at the Ministry of Justice, and he says that he is sure he will be pleased to look at ways in which Winchester may be able to host this event.
Not only that but Steve Brine, the MP for Winchester, has contacted me offering me any support that we need.
That sounds very good so can you now tell me what qualifications you have and why you think you can be of any help in influencing criminals to avoid recidivism.
1 I am a lecturer and have taught in colleges of Further and Higher Education, to all classes of people, including many Muslim and other religious groups, for over 20 years.
2 I am a baptist minister
3 Michael my brother, after 5 years into his 16 year sentence, turned his life around and his back on crime in New Bilibid Prison in the Philippines in September 2000.
3 This prompted me to published my first book and after that have done extensive work, with many former convicted criminals in the jails of the Philippines, with significant success. We have written about this in our book Trojan Warriors.
4 We Created, or formed, the first ever Teacher Training College in the world, within New Bilibid Prison, in 2002. This was to train and help in the process of rehabilitation of former convicted, notorious criminals.
5 We sent and supported our first graduate (that we called our Trojan Warrior) back to his own city. His name is William C. Poloc, A former killer who served 14 years fro killing a police man during a gun run in where he got his leg blown off. He now only has one leg. He was just one inmates of many, in News Bilibid Prison who we helped in NBP.
Our Incorporation Trojan Horse International sent him home on a mission on his release back to Baguio City. He worked in Baguio City and Benguet Provincial Jails for several years and he has founded two churches and a theological school in Baguio City, since 2002.
6 My brother and I are both qualified convicted criminals and have turned our lives around.
And a tongue in cheek note as Dave Courtney signs his name with his title OBE, we can both say we have the title QBE, qualified by experience, which very few in the correction industry have. We have worn the tea shirt, done the bird, we know what we are talking about.
6 I shared my story recently in HMP Lewis and have had one inmate write to thank me and offering me some ideas to help others.
Well that sounds very encouraging. I understand you have had some more recent encouragements
Yes but let me say at this stage Michael my brother died in New Bilibid Prison of Tuberculosis, in May 2005 before our vision of bringing help to many was realized.
However I have shared recently what we are doing to those prison Chaplains that I have already mentioned, and there are over 30, and already I have had e-mail of encouragement from prison some of these chaplains, including David Weller, at HMP Oakwood who says he is certainly interested in bringing our punk rock opera to Oakwood.
Also Elizabeth Stockhill of HMP/YOI South Yorkshire, who has asked if our opera is planned to go on tour, and of course it is, as she would lie to get clearance to be performed in the prison where she works.
So It looks good and we do have support.
Well That sounds very promising have you got any more to add Mick. as I feel sure this project will be successful and a real help in helping others turn their lives around and in crime prevention.
Yes it is all good and very positive we will do our best to make this successful.